Friday, March 2, 2012

Wliton Course 2, Final Cake

I learnt to make more wonderful flowers in class 3 and since I forgot to  take pictures of them there isn't a post on them.... Moving on this week was the final class of course 2 where we learnt to make the basket weave on the cakes.... I totally did not want to make a cake because I had no one to give the cake to since all the MBA kids were on their tours... I thought I would have to throw the cake and had no interest in make the the cake or the frosting... just to throw it all in the trash... Anyway I had no choice and I made a yellow cake out of a box mix and also made few roses since I had thrown all the flowers reluctantly....
So, I went to the class and made my cake... The basket weave looks really wonderful but its too much icing on the cake and it took me good 15 minutes to get a hang of the technique which was quite simple once you did it properly.... Theresa was so patient with me... Thank god for that! My only other friend at the class Catelyn made a wonderful chocolate frosting which looked wonderful as the basket...
Theresa said she will take my cake and give to the store members, hence my cake did not go to the trash! Hurray!
On the other side.. I enrolled for the third course too! Fondant and gum paste!!!  Lets see how it goes...

Here are a few pictures:
I really liked the way my roses cake out.... I like these better than the ribbon roses... these are more real looking...

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